A few days ago pegi nak daftar dia tadika at Graduan Kecil. Tengok2 full le pulak..Kena put on waiting list. *Sigh..* Tergendala lagi hasrat nak sekolahkan dia. Budak 5 yo ramai sangat kat situ. We chose to send her there coz kat situ ada offer kelas fardu ain. Ajar solat & mengaji. It's a good start for her. Actually ada tadika lain yang dekat sangat dengan rumah we all, but we heard bad experiences from previous students. Lagipun guru besar kat situ garang, siap mengajar pegang rotan lagi.. I don't want her 1st year of schooling would be in constant fear of not performing well.. Lagipun at this age, the most important thing for us is to get her to mingle around her peer group. Not that she's lacking any at the moment. Petang2 pun ramai anak2 jiran yang sebaya dia that she got to play with.
After maghrib tadi I made White Chocolate Coated Almond. Idea dapat from our neighbour, Ina. Petang2 gebang dgn neighbours ada jugak dapat resepi. Tapi kitaorang tak ngumpat orang tau..hikhik.. According to her, resepi ni pun dia pun tibai gak coz dia terkena masa order untuk raya from her friend, she ordered 200 pcs, was charged over RM100. Bila dia wat sendiri, it costs a lot cheaper. Since my stock of white choc banyak lagi since I bought 1 kg the other day, this is a good idea to finish off my stock.
White Chocolate Almond
250gm Almond, chopped & roasted
200gm white chocolate
1 tsp cocoa butter
paper cups
1. Melt white chocolate using double boiler method.
2. Add in cocoa butter. Mix well.
3. Pour almond into the white chocolate and stir well.
4. Put in paper cups.
Tadi pulak my friend, Zuraida brought us tapai. Cantiknya packaging dia. Dah le wrapped in leaves ( I still don't know what kind of leaves used, even though i've eaten them! ), lepas tu berbalut plastik lak tu.. Memang rajin betul
Tapai pulut
mcm best je white choc almond tu.. pos aaa skit.. huhuhu..
Dah pass dah tadi. Tp nampak gaya Amin tu, klau biaq kat dia maunya dia balun semua..tak sempatlah ibu dia merasa..:D. I pass tu bibik.
sib bek bibik simpan skit. kalu x, kempunan la i.along & amin dok request lagik, sib bek bibik bijak. dia bgtau dh abis. hehehe.. so, sempat gak i merasa 2 bj. mmg sedap sesangat...
Nampak gayanya depa dah balun banyak ketul gak tu..Nasib bek bibik teringat kat mem dia..:D
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