It's been a while since I last wrote. Malas & a lot of stuff on my plate. Last month we managed a short break to Kuching. Tapi tak sempat update dalam blog. This time is actually the first time we took the princesses to a vacation naik flight. Tupun last minute we decided not to take Baby Airis. Tak sihat pulak. Kesian gak kat dia. Tapi kalau bawak pun, she wouldn't enjoy herself & kitaorang pun akan kelam kabut nak jaga dia yang tak sihat. The other princesses were so excited nak naik flight..:-)
The excited princesses
We drove from Penang and took a flight from KL at 3pm. Arrived at KKIA at 5.40pm. Sampai je terus ambik kereta sewa from KK Rent A Car. We rented Proton Saga (A) BML which I got a good deal. Kereta baru, murah, bersih & the service was good. Then we headed to Tg Aru Beach for dinner. Kononnya nak tengok sunset. Tapi masa pusing2 cari parking tu, tup2 dah sunset. We had dinner at the food court there. Food was lousy except for the grilled chicken wings. Rasanya tekak we all ni yang tak boleh terima masakan sana..:-(
Tanjung Aru Beach. Dekat je dengan airport.
Lepas makan, baru check-in at Promenade Service Apt. The apt was spacious & clean. Cuma nak cari apt tu macam susah sikit. Kat bawah apt tu banyak malay & mamak restaurants. Memang convenient sangat. After freshening up, we headed to pasar filipina & pasar malam. Tapi mostly kitaorang shopping kat pasar malam tu coz according to reviews kat sini barang2 lagi murah & senang nak tawar-menawar..:-). I bought a few souvenirs here. Rasanya dah dapat a good deal..:-)
Since the princesses had a long day, we headed to our room around 10pm. Tomorrow would be another long day..
Assalamualaikum..Alhamdulillah arini kita nak share another keeper recipe
iaitu Red Pearl Cookies. Kukis wajib tiap raya ye..sangat marbeles rasa
dia. Ko...
16 hours ago
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