
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pulut Durian, Creme Brulee

When Hubby was first served with pulut durian by my mak, he was a bit 'jakun'...hehe.. He never ate durian with pulut before. Tapi since dah lama kawin orang Kedah ni kan, dah terbiasa le. Dulu makan durian main ratah je.. I think tak semua orang biasa makan pulut with durian especially orang Selatan, correct me if i'm wrong.

There was an incident ( ni K.Mas cerita..) where a group of friends were invited to a durian feast. Mungkin yang anjurkan tu orang utara kut. So, diorang serve la pulut santan sekali untuk makan dengan durian. Nak tau, ada le sorang guest tu mengumpat.." kedekut! kalau nak buat kenduri durian jamu le durian je, ni nak kena makan durian dgn pulut!" . Actually, orang yang mengumpat tu yang tak tau adat & budaya. Pulut durian ni dah common even in restaurants. As for me I tak kisah makan durian je ke or pulut durian with lotsa santan or susu lembu. Yummy!

Baru ni, mak nak buat tahlil kat rumah I since Ayah's aunty passed away a few days before. Kebetulan lak K.Jun's birthday. So, join sekali le. Jemput sedara terdekat je. Pagi Ahad tu kitaorang cari durian kat pasar sehari di Penaga. OOish! Rambang mata p penaga. Macam2 ada..hikhik..

Pulut Durian - the way i like it

Acara memotong kek. Orang lain yang sibuk potong. Bday lady in blue..

Menu malam tu..

Bday Cake prepared by anakanda tercinta. Along le tu.. Cantikkan? Chef yang buat, mestilah..

Roti Jala prepared by Bday lady..laku betul..

Bebaru ni teringin pulak nak buat Creme Brulee. Ramekins dah lama beli tapi tak guna2 lagi coz mood masak I entah ke mana menghilang..hehe..Tak pernah makan pun creme brulee ni. Since I tak de blow torch, i broil je le.. Since ingredients lebih kurang creme caramel, rasa pun lebih kurang cuma creme brulee ni lebih enak berkrim since guna cream tu kan.. Resepi I combine from 2 resepi..

Creme Brulee


2 cups heavy cream

4 egg yolks

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla ext

1/2 cup caster sugar


1. Preheat oven to 150C.

2. Whisk the cream, egg yolks, sugar & vanilla ext together in a bowl until it gets nice & creamy.

3. Pour the mixture into ramekins. Place the ramekins in a baking pan filled with hot water.

4. Bake for 45 min to 1 hour.

5. Remove the ramekins and let them cool. Refrigerate overnight.

6. Sprinkle a thin layer of sugar on top of each ramekin. Torch or broil until sugar is caremelised. Refrigerate for a while before serving.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Jump For Joy

'Jump! Jump For Joy...'. Anyone whose kids love Jojo's circus or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse must've heard this phrase numerous times! The princesses love the shows so much that even Baby was saying "Jump! Jump" yesterday while jumping around the house. Kelakar le pulak tengok dia..Suka sangat walking around aimlessly that she hit the wall a few times. Sampai benjol2 dahi.

Benjol dahi langgar dinding. Mama dia sapu cream..:D

Still benjol dahi..

Another ' Jump for joy' occasion was last weekend when my niece Izatul got engaged to Amin. Congratulations to both of them. I was assigned to prepare chocolates & a cake ( macam le I pandai sesangat!hehe..) for hantaran. Tapi I ngelat. I made White Choc Almond which were much nicer..The cake..well..K.Jun volunteered to do the cake. She let Along the chef ( her son )decorated the cake. It turned out very nice indeed. Suka I.. Tak payah bertungkus lumus buat kek yang I tak pandai nak hias..hehe..

Berdebar2 tunggu bakal ibu mertua sarungkan cincin..;-). Kek & Almond tu kat depan sekali..

We promised to give 5 hantaran tapi ended up with 7. Best le family Amin dapat hantaran yang sedap2 tu..;-). Food mmg banyak le mak & kak prepared for the guests sampai everyone boleh tapau lagi.

After 2 days in Jitra, we came back early to attend a kenduri at K.Hani's house. Tapi singgah Jusco dulu to pick up something we ordered at a store there. The princesses loved playing around at a playground set up in Jusco. Sampai tak nak balik...

Happy princesses..

A couple days ago tekak terasa le pulak nak makan scones. After tercari2 resepi yang senang2, I made Basic Scones. Memang senang & sedap. Resepi kat sini

Basic Scones

Friday, March 12, 2010

Baby's antics & newly acquired skills

At 16m.o, Baby has acquired new skills faster than Alysa & Adik were when they were at this age. At this age, Alysa was babbling incoherently. Baby can now utter few words. Mainly basic survival words..:-) eg "cece.. ( as in susu ), " nak nak", " Ayaq" ( pekat lak loghat utara dia..:D), and of course mama , papa, kakak etc.

The other day, she had tea-break all by herself. Initially, K.Jun put tuna pasta into Alysa's bowl. Since Alysa was full, she left it on the dining table. So, Baby climbed onto a chair, seated herself comfortably, then started to feed the pasta herself. The best thing was, she finished off the whole bowl with only 1 or 2 pcs dropped on the floor. Quite an achievement! She's very independent. She likes to do things herself. She would take off her pants when it's time for her bath. Then, put her clothes in the laundry basket.

Tapi dia ni jenis pantang kena tegur. Melalak sakan or lagi kitaorang larang, lagi le syok dia nak buat. Like the last time we went to Pantai Bersih. While the princesses were busy making sand castle, Baby was busy putting sand in her mouth..not just once, but 3 times! Kesian.. Mama dia bagi makan tak cukup le tu, sampai pasir pun dia makan! hehe.. bila I korek mulut dia nak buang pasir, dia gigit my hand sekuat hati.

Pinjam sunglasses K.Ngah jap..

Baby's tea time

Yummy sand!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Alysa's school registration

Today I made a point to register Alysa for her primary school. They launched a campain ending this month, for those born in 2005 to be registered for standard 1 for year 2012. Lepas K.Jun informed that if u register late, silap2 anak kena masuk kelas tercorot & nanti susah nak naik kelas elok, terus I pegi register. Hish, tak mau le cam tu. Buatnya Alysa masuk Std 1 kelas corot, mau boring dia nanti..:-) Nasib le Ila informed dia pun nak daftar Hafiz today. Kalau tak mesti I bertangguh lagi..

A few days ago pegi nak daftar dia tadika at Graduan Kecil. Tengok2 full le pulak..Kena put on waiting list. *Sigh..* Tergendala lagi hasrat nak sekolahkan dia. Budak 5 yo ramai sangat kat situ. We chose to send her there coz kat situ ada offer kelas fardu ain. Ajar solat & mengaji. It's a good start for her. Actually ada tadika lain yang dekat sangat dengan rumah we all, but we heard bad experiences from previous students. Lagipun guru besar kat situ garang, siap mengajar pegang rotan lagi.. I don't want her 1st year of schooling would be in constant fear of not performing well.. Lagipun at this age, the most important thing for us is to get her to mingle around her peer group. Not that she's lacking any at the moment. Petang2 pun ramai anak2 jiran yang sebaya dia that she got to play with.

After maghrib tadi I made White Chocolate Coated Almond. Idea dapat from our neighbour, Ina. Petang2 gebang dgn neighbours ada jugak dapat resepi. Tapi kitaorang tak ngumpat orang tau..hikhik.. According to her, resepi ni pun dia pun tibai gak coz dia terkena masa order untuk raya from her friend, she ordered 200 pcs, was charged over RM100. Bila dia wat sendiri, it costs a lot cheaper. Since my stock of white choc banyak lagi since I bought 1 kg the other day, this is a good idea to finish off my stock.

White Chocolate Almond


250gm Almond, chopped & roasted
200gm white chocolate
1 tsp cocoa butter
paper cups


1. Melt white chocolate using double boiler method.
2. Add in cocoa butter. Mix well.
3. Pour almond into the white chocolate and stir well.
4. Put in paper cups.

Tadi pulak my friend, Zuraida brought us tapai. Cantiknya packaging dia. Dah le wrapped in leaves ( I still don't know what kind of leaves used, even though i've eaten them! ), lepas tu berbalut plastik lak tu.. Memang rajin betul

Tapai pulut

Bersantai @ Bukit Merah Laketown Resort

Last weekend we decided to go to BMLR to celebrate Alysa's birthday, as well as letting them play at the swimming pool. Baby was the happiest splashing at the pool. Sampai tanak keluar pool.

As usual, we checked in on Saturday afternoon. Malam tu we had dinner at Le Lac Cafe. They were having international buffet there. Normally, they had BBQ buffet on Saturday night, but since the BBQ area was booked for a company's family day, they changed it to international buffet inside the cafe. The food was nice but Adik only ate fruits & crackers. Alysa had desserts & buns dunk in mushroom soup. Nasib tak kena bayar untuk diorang. Otherwise it would be an expensive dinner of a few grapes! :-). Hubby & I yang pulun makan macam nak pecah perut..hehe.. Actually, I makan macam orang lain makan je, tapi may be since perut kecik kut, bila makan lebih sikit macam nak pecah perut. Tu nasib tak minum. After strolling around the resort & balik bilik baru I boleh minum..:-)

Dinner @ Le Lac Cafe

The next day, the princesses headed to the swimming pool & had a blast splashing. Jumpa pulak our neighbours who'd just finished their family day there. Since the princesses belum pandai swimming ( considering Alysa pun baru hilang phobia kat swimming pool! ), we all just lepak kat swimming pool for kids.

Splashing @ the swimming pool

A couple nights ago, I made lasagna untuk menghabuskan stok capsicum yang berlambak & spagheti sauce yang ada sikit lagi. Made in a small casserole enough for Hubby & I. Surprisingly, Alysa & Baby pun makan...

My lasagna yang tak cantik..:D