Pagi tadi Adik bangun je nampak my new haircut. Terus dia puji & cakap she wanted the same hairstyle. ( Not that I have a vogue hairstyle..:D). I cakap le rambut dia dah pendek ( Actually rambut dia dah panjang, tapi sbb curly nampak macam pendek la ) & cantik macam spring. She then said kat school boys tak de spring, girls pun tak de spring. In other words, kat kindy dia, dia sorang je rambut curly. May be she felt different. Bebudak ni biasa le tak nak different dr org lain. Beriya2 Adik tak mo rambut spring. Nasib le dia tak tau rebonding lagi..:-). Kalau tak, maunya dikerahnya I ke salon buat rebonding..
Hubby said that when he was a kid, he hated his hair too. He used to put a lot of hair oil to flatten his curly hair. I told him not to give this idea to Adik. Nanti habis dikerjanya Sunsilk leave- on tu sebotol sehari. Parah..
I love her hair in this photo.
Her latest photo at Tanjung Dawai. Masa ni rambut dia messy sikit..
Marble Cake
I can't remember which recipe I used..;-( Tapi rasanya kat sini.
Assalamualaikum.. Hari ni kita baru sempat nak updet menu istimewa sempena
besday Anakanda Sri & Adam yg dimasak baru-baru ni. Pestaim kita masak Nasi
3 months ago
I pun dulu masa kecik2 mcm Wak jugak, hari2 letak bryllcream thinking it will help flatten my hair, hahaha.
But now skrg, my curls dah hilang, I wish I ada the curls balik :-(.
Zahra hated her hair too when she was around Ayra's age but now she loves he hair sbb semua orang puji cantik :-). So, Ayra will grow to love her hair too one day for sure.
Haha..sepesen je kids berfikir. Hubby I now pun klau rambut dia panjang sikit, mesti akan curl seketul2..:D
I hope Ayra will grow to love her hair & won't lose her curls macam I. Now pun kalau pegi jln2 org akan puji her curls regardless malay, chinese or indian. Dah rambut special sikit tu kan..;-)
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