This week mmg busy. On monday, Hubby was warded at KPJ Specialist Hospital. Pagi tu dia siap boleh p kerja lg eventhough ada le symptoms. Masa tgh kerja, sakit le pulak. Diorang offered nak jab, dia pulak tanak. ( Takut jab actually..:-) ). So, telan je ubat. Tp of course le kureng berkesan. On the way balik kerja, he called me ajak terus ke hospital coz tgh sakit. I plk tgh sibuk kat tmpat kerja. So, kelam kabut le settlekan apa2 yang patut. Be4 pegi this hospital, dia dah survey which hospital he wanted to go. So, he called his friend ( also his namesake ) who's working there to inform the specialist that he was on the way.
Sampai je terus ke A & E. Tak tunggu lama pun terus specialist datang wat scan. Later the specialist told he emphatised with Hubby coz he had the same experience before. So, tau le sakit camne..;-). Lepas tu kena warded. Dia cuma cakap the next day nak buat another scan. Tp the next day tu rupa2nya dia nak operate le pulak. Tp Hubby dah tak dibagitau, ambik breakfast. Kena le puasa lepas tu. The operation was done at 3pm under GA. Lepas dia masuk OT, I terus balik rumah nak amik the princesses. Sampai kat hospital after 5pm, Hubby baru je disorong masuk bilik. Kena pulak inj pethidine. Terus tertidur tengah2 cakap.. We waited for him to wake up before we went home at 8pm. He was discharged the next day on wednesday. The thing that they took out from him during the operation was sent to Melbourne for analysis.
Meanwhile, Alysa & Ayra kena pegi kindy with K.Liza. When I told them they had to go to school with Amirul, our next door neighbour, Alysa dah nangis nak jugak Papa hantar. I had to explain to her that papa was hospitalised. But, she was worried Amirul's father would forget to waith for them that morning. Macam2 le bebudak ni..
Until today we still had visitors coming to visit Hubby. Tapi orang yang 'sakit' tu dah berjalan merata2. Siap pegi shopping at 2 shopping complexes lg hari ni..:-)
@ the ward. Waiting for papa to wake up
Assalamualaikum.. Hari ni kita baru sempat nak updet menu istimewa sempena
besday Anakanda Sri & Adam yg dimasak baru-baru ni. Pestaim kita masak Nasi
3 months ago
babe, hubby engkau sakit apa? take care! alhamdulillah engkau dah lepas pantang, boleh ler drive around.
Kidney stones. Tu la nasib aku dah habis pantang. Macam2 hal sekrg.
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