
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lepak di Penang

 During the school holiday last week, we didn't go anywhere for the hols. Malas nak bersesak dengan orang yg ramai. Lagipun masa schools hols berganda le hotel rate. So, when Ila & family came over with my parents, diorang pun plan le nak pegi lepak Gunung Jerai. Tp tulah, rate hotel mmg steep le, so they decided to go to Batu Feringghi after spending a night at our house. Ni kira double celebration for her. Her birthday & celebrate nak tambah another family member.

 We joined them the next day coz Friday tu Hubby keje le pulak. So, on Saturday we met Ila at Paradise Sandy Beach where they were staying. I pernah stay kat situ dulu. The deluxe room mmg spacious. Sesuai utk family. PSB ni kat Tanjung Bungah just before Batu Feringghi. Tp beach kat sini sama je dgn kat Bt Feringghi. Sempat le the princesses mandi manda kat swimming pool kat PSB. After check-out kitaorang lunch kat Bayan Lepas. Tak ingat nama kedai tu. Just tau bawah pokok ceri je. Diorang jugak called it restoran 'mulut besar'..hehe  coz the waiter is loud. Jerit je order..

 Lepas kenyang, we went to Aquarium. Tp still under renovation. Ikan pun tak banyak. The last time we went, lagi byk ikan. So, lepak kejap jela. By 4 pm tu dah balik coz Ila nak kena balik Kedah pulak.

The princesses with their cousins. Mandi manda kat atas skali. Orang lain mandi bekas diorang...:-)

Airis with CikLa while the sisters were frolicking in the pool.

Baby @ Aquarium

The cousins

Source: Here

My  version:


500ml susu cair
2 sd besar gula
4 sd besar tepung kastard
1 cawan air- utk dicampurkan dengan tepung kastard
10 biji bahulu
3 mango, di potong
1 peket agar-agar jeli kristal Nona
400ml air panas

1.Panaskan susu cair dengan gula. Kecilkan api.
2.Bancuh tepung kastard dengan air sejuk. Masukkan bancuhan tadi ke dalam susu cair yang sedang mendidih, Masak hingga betul-betul pekat dan kastard pekat. Tutup api.
 3.Di dalam bekas berasingan, susunkan bahulu sehingga habis. Kemudian, basahkan dengan jus mango ( blend sedikit mango dengan air )
 4.Susunmango hingga habis.
5.Tuangkan bancuhan kastard ke atas susunan buah-buahan tadi.
6.Untuk jeli, larutkan jeli bersama air panas. Kacau hingga sebati.
7.Akhir sekali, tuangkan jeli tersebut di atas kastard dan sejukkan. Bila betul-betul keras, bolehlah dihidangkan
Our lunch

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No Spring Please..

 Pagi tadi Adik bangun je nampak my new haircut. Terus dia puji & cakap she wanted the same hairstyle. ( Not that I have a vogue hairstyle..:D). I cakap le rambut dia dah pendek ( Actually rambut dia dah panjang, tapi sbb curly nampak macam pendek la ) & cantik macam spring. She then said kat school boys tak de spring, girls pun tak de spring. In other words, kat kindy dia, dia sorang je rambut curly. May be she felt different. Bebudak ni biasa le tak nak different dr org lain. Beriya2 Adik tak mo rambut spring. Nasib le dia tak tau rebonding lagi..:-). Kalau tak, maunya dikerahnya I ke salon buat rebonding..

 Hubby said that when he was a kid, he hated his hair too. He used to put a lot of hair oil to flatten his curly hair. I told him not to give this idea to Adik. Nanti habis dikerjanya Sunsilk leave- on tu sebotol sehari. Parah..

I love her hair in this photo.

Her latest photo at Tanjung Dawai. Masa ni rambut dia messy sikit..

Marble Cake

I can't remember which recipe I used..;-( Tapi rasanya kat sini.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Day She Lost 3kg

 This week minggu sakit le pulak. Started with Adik. She had diarrhea. Lepas tu berjangkit kat Baby. Bila diorang dah okay, Alysa got infected too. Siap dgn fever, vomitting & diarrhoea. Tak lalu makan. Susu pun tanak minum.

 Wednesday baru2 ni, masa I temankan Hubby pegi follow up kat hospital to take out the stent, I got a call from Alysa's kindy. The teacher said she almost fainted. Mmg kelam kabut le I. Dah le masa tu Hubby baru je masuk procedure room. Terus tinggalkan Hubby, pecut pegi ke kindy. After ambik dia & bawak ke klinik, looked like she was okay. Fever pun dah ok. Bowel movements not so good. Yelah still cirit & muntah. I guess dia nak pitam sbb hypo sama kut. Tak nak makan sbb takut muntah & no appetite.

 After a few days of no appetite, yesterday masa timbang dia, she lost 3kg! From 27kg to 24kg. Perut pun kempis je. Badan dah nampak panjang le pulak..:-) Mmg le I nak dia kurus sikit, tapi bila dia tak nak makan, risau le pulak.Well, I guess she'll be back to her normal self bila dah baik dari cirit nanti.

 A couple days ago I pulak yg berjangkit dgn the princesses. Tp bila asyik sakit kat upper right of my abdomen, Hubby ajak pegi scan kat specialist. Gallstones le pulak. The Dr is so nice and talkative. Ended up over 1 hour doing scan & consultation. Lepas tu FOC pulak tu. Tp this week masa we all sakit, the various drs that we saw mmg tak charge pun. Thanks to all the doctors..

Alysa..After 3kg lost. Rasanya still tembam.

Adik. The pretty phase..

Baby. Princess phase..

Adikbaby. The cheeky phase

Alysa's Birthday Cake

Ain , ni le rupa bday cake Alysa yang comot tu. Not as nice as yours...keras betul tangan I bila time nak deco kek..:D

Kek Alunan Kasih
Source: Here


5 Biji Telur
2 ½ cwn tepung gandum (ayak sekali dgn baking powder)
2 cwn gula halus (boleh guna 1 ½ cwn je)
3 sudu kecil baking powder
½ cwn susu cair
1 sudu kecil esen vanilla (bole guna perasa lain juga)
*Serbuk koko (secukupnya)
*Pewarna ( ikut citarasa masing2..)
1 1/2 cwn planta @ 1 buku buttercup 250gm

1.Pukul planta dan gula smpai kembang
2.Masukan telur satu persatu..pukul lg smpai kembang
3.Masukan *esen vanilla, susu cair…gaul hingga sebati dan masukan tepung sedikit demi sedikit
4.Bahagikan dua bahagian..campurkan pewarna pink dan satu bhgn pwrna hijau
5.Griskan loyang dan tabur sikit tepung..masukan adunan pink..ratakan dlm loyang dan ayak *serbuk koko menutupi lapisan pertama…ayak nipis2 *sediakan tapis teh yg halus..utk ayak serbuk koko.
6.masukan lapisan kedua..warna hijau..ratakan perlahan2.. (jgn smpai serbuk koko di lapisan pertama td terangkat)…ayak serbuk koko di atas lapisan kedua
7.Mcm tu lah seterusnya..smpai adunan abis…Bakar lebih kurang 45min..160C.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Busy week

 This week mmg busy. On monday, Hubby was warded at KPJ Specialist Hospital. Pagi tu dia siap boleh p kerja lg eventhough ada le symptoms. Masa tgh kerja, sakit le pulak. Diorang offered nak jab, dia pulak tanak. ( Takut jab actually..:-) ). So, telan je ubat. Tp of course le kureng berkesan. On the way balik kerja, he called me ajak terus ke hospital coz tgh sakit. I plk tgh sibuk kat tmpat kerja. So, kelam kabut le settlekan apa2 yang patut. Be4 pegi this hospital, dia dah survey which hospital he wanted to go. So, he called his friend ( also his namesake ) who's working there to inform the specialist that he was on the way.

 Sampai je terus ke A & E. Tak tunggu lama pun terus specialist datang wat scan. Later the specialist told he emphatised with Hubby coz he had the same experience before. So, tau le sakit camne..;-). Lepas tu kena warded. Dia cuma cakap the next day nak buat another scan. Tp the next day tu rupa2nya dia nak operate le pulak. Tp Hubby dah tak dibagitau, ambik breakfast. Kena le puasa lepas tu. The operation was done at 3pm under GA. Lepas dia masuk OT, I terus balik rumah nak amik the princesses. Sampai kat hospital after 5pm, Hubby baru je disorong masuk bilik. Kena pulak inj pethidine. Terus tertidur tengah2 cakap.. We waited for him to wake up before we went home at 8pm. He was discharged the next day on wednesday. The thing that they took out from him during the operation was sent to Melbourne for analysis.

 Meanwhile, Alysa & Ayra kena pegi kindy with K.Liza. When I told them they had to go to school with Amirul, our next door neighbour, Alysa dah nangis nak jugak Papa hantar. I had to explain to her that papa was hospitalised. But, she was worried Amirul's father would forget to waith for them that morning. Macam2 le bebudak ni..

 Until today we still had visitors coming to visit Hubby. Tapi orang yang 'sakit' tu dah berjalan merata2. Siap pegi shopping at 2 shopping complexes lg hari ni..:-)

@ the ward. Waiting for papa to wake up