Today is my 3rd day kat HSAH. Masuk ptg Ahad. Mlm tu jugak the gynae wat scan. Tp masa tu dia pun tak sure whether ada placenta percreta or not. In this case kena refer tmpat yg ada urologist, most probably HPP.
Yesterday wat doppler scan & found out it's p. accreta. So, he scheduled the op for tomorrow. But, he did outline the complications expected. I'm so worried but hoping for the best & miracle. Hr ni hr ramai Drs wat procedures & investigations. Amongst them, amik darah. 4x amik br dapat cukup darah. Sakit weh! Smpai lebam tgn I..:-( HO kut yg amik drh tu.. Lps tu kena sign 4 consent forms. Kena jumpa anaest. The op would be done under GA.
I'm lucky to get a single room. 2nd class dah penuh. So, they gave me an isolation ward which is very comfy but sejuk giler.. Tp kat sini Hubby tak leh tunggu la. Mak nak tunggu pun kesian kat dia coz tak de katil or sofa. So, lps op kut br dia tunggu.
Td the princesses dtg melawat. So happy to see them. Adik sibuk bertanya mama wat apa kat sini. Told her mama nak bawak adik baby balik..:-)
To family & friends, please du'a that everything will go well during the op. Td masa gynae wat round, diaorg ada mention that they reserved 6 pints of blood for me tomorrow. Hopefully tak de la excessive bleeding.
To Adik Baby, just know that, no matter what, mama will always love u forever. Harap semua berjalan lancar for both of us & Allah will protect us.
To Kakak, Adik @ Baby , my dearest princesses, u're the greatest gifts that Allah has given me. I love u all with all my heart.
Assalamualaikum..Alhamdulillah arini kita nak share another keeper recipe
iaitu Red Pearl Cookies. Kukis wajib tiap raya ye..sangat marbeles rasa
dia. Ko...
9 hours ago