On 4th Jan 2012, Alysa was officially in standard 1 :-). She had an orientation on wednesday the previous week. She looked happy. Nasib dapat satu kelas dengan Amirul, our neighbour. Masa orientation duduk sebelah amirul. Tapi masa first day tu, sampai je tengok2 ada budak lain duduk sebelah amirul. So, she had to sit at the back of the class..Ni gara2 mama dia terbangun lambat la..hehe..7.30am baru keluar rumah. Tu pun drop off Adik first at her kindy. Sampai sekolah Alysa, ngam2 je untuk their first assembly.
On her orientation day, she woke up at 4am! Lepas kejut Adik and lepak tengok tv, she then woke us up at 5am. I ni yang masih mamai, ingatkan hubby tak terjaga untuk ke masjid. Tengok2 jam baru 5 am, terus rasa sakit kepala..haha..yelah the nite before i masuk tido at 1 a.m. Lepas suruh diorang lepak dulu, I tried to catch some sleep. Tp.. tak boleh coz kejap2 diorang masuk bilik. In the end both of them woke up everyone including Baby Airis..:-(
However, on her first day of school, dia tak terjaga pulak. Hubby kejut I before ke masjid. Tp I biasak le tido dulu. Sedar2 dah 6.50am. Rumah sunyi je..Then baru realised both Alysa & Adik tak bangun lagi. Kelam kabut le we all. But, managed to go to school on time. Nasib rumah dekat je dgn sekolah.
On her orientation day. Duduk sebelah Amirul our neighbour cum her classmate masa kindy.
Her first recess. Bawak bekal. Tapi since mama was around to buy food for her, she ate the bought sausages instead. Lucky, Standard 1 was let out first for recess. So, tak le berebut- rebut..
Assalamualaikum..Alhamdulillah arini kita share another awesome recipe
iaitu Salted Caramel Cornflakes. Resepi yg sempoi dan marbeles sgt. Kunyah2
19 hours ago
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