
Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Selamat Menyambut Merdeka to all Malaysians. We should be thankful that we live in a peaceful country & we should be grateful to our forefathers for this freedom.

Our merdeka day was spent balik kampung. Since it was a long weekend, all my siblings took the opportunity to have iftar together. ( Except for Abang Nordin of course, who's in Beijing for the past 2 years). Since everyone was home, Mak beriya masak. We started cooking since 2p.m. It was early by my standard coz I normally started cooking after 6pm...hehe..So after beriya masak our favourite dishes, she managed to come up with 14 dishes!! Tu belum campur kuih-muih. Kuih-muih beli je.. Tapi yang laku betul 'kerabu perut & mangga' & ' masak lemak siput & betik'. Licin...

Petang tu the fathers buat gotong-royong mengecat rumah Mak Ayah. Nasib hujan dah stop. Asyik hujan je... Alysa & Adik were so excited tengok orang mengecat that they missed their afternoon nap. Time orang berbuka, Adik tertidur sambil duduk! The next day dia tertidur sambil berdiri pulak..Puas pujuk suruh tido tanak, time orang berbuka dia yang ngantuk..


Menu on Merdeka eve

Menu on Merdeka Day

Balik rumah, we felt that we ate too much rice during the weekend. So, hubby rasa nak makan mee ( @ spaghetti ). We decided on Mee Udang. After tercari-cari resepi mee udang yang simple & easy, I modified 1 or 2 recipes. Jadi le Mee Udang my version. Kena le for for our tastes. Kalau orang lain tak tau le..

Mee Udang

Bahan-bahan ( 3 - 4 orang)

Mee ( I used vermicelli pasta)

25ogm udang

2 keping dada ayam, potong nipis

1 sb sos cili

3 sb sos tomato

1 kiub stok ayam

* 4 cili kering

* 1/2 bawang besar

* 2 ulas bawang putih

* 1 inci halia

* 1 sb udang kering

2 biji kentang, rebus & lenyek

air secukupnya

garam & gula


2 biji telur

Bahan hiasan

tomato, hiris nipis

taugeh, celur

bawang goreng


1. Kisar bahan bertanda *

2. Panaskan minyak. Tumis bahan kisar sehingga naik bau & garing.

3. Masuk ayam & udang. Kacau rata.

4. Masukkan air secukupnya. Masukkan sos cili & sos tomato diikuti stok ayam.

5. Biarkan kuah mendidih. Masukkan garam & gula. Masukkan kentang lenyek.

6. Bila kuah masak, pecahkan telur satu persatu. Biarkan seketika. Tutup api.

7. Hidangkan mee dalam mangkuk. Tuang kuah. Taburkan bahan hiasan.

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