Alysa turned 6 last thursday. That Thursday we just bought her a small cake and a present. Buat syarat je, coz she'd be celebrating the next day. She had a birthday celebration at kindy for those whose birthdays are in February. I made her a cake to be brought to school. Will share the recipe later. Petang Jumaat tu balik celebrate kat Jitra. Made a cheese cake for her.
To my dear Alysa, 'Happy 6th birthday'. May you turn to be a beautiful person in and out. At 6 years old, you have blossomed into a bubbly girl. You self-taught yourself to read thru your computer, very diligently asking me questions if you didn't know the words, which sometimes drive me crazy..:-). Kadang2 cakap macam adults, so, when you cried because of trivial disputes with Adik, I have to remind myself that you are only 5 years old ( then..). So tak de le mama jadi Tarzan to both of you.
My baby is 6
My Princesses
Cutting the cake with her cousins
Cloud 9 Cheese Cake
( Original recipe is Snickers Cheese Cake )
140gm oreo, hancurkan
70gm mentega, cairkan
500gm cream cheese
3/4 cawan gula
1 biji telur
1 sb tepung jagung
150 ml whipping cream
Cloud 9, potong kecil
Cloud 9, potong kecil
ganache ( 125gm coklat masakan + 80ml susu cair + 1 sk mentega; double boil )
1. Hancurkan biskut & campur mentega cair. Ratakan dalam loyang. Sejukkan.
2. Putar cream cheese dan gula hingga licin. Masukkan telur , tepung jagung diikuti whipping cream. Putar hingga sebati.
3. Tuang separuh adunan dalam loyang. Taburkan hirisan cloud 9. Masukkan semua adunan. Ratakan.
4. Bakar pada suhu170C selama 50 minit secara bain-marie.
5. Bila sejuk, hias dengan ganache dan taburan cloud 9.
Note: kek ni sedap sangat. Mmg my taste lah.
Assalamualaikum..Alhamdulillah arini kita nak share another keeper recipe
iaitu Red Pearl Cookies. Kukis wajib tiap raya ye..sangat marbeles rasa
dia. Ko...
7 hours ago