Meanwhile, I dah boleh masak yang simple je. But it was worth it coz the princesses had been praising my cooking..:-). Jemu dah le tu makan lauk beli for nearly a month. Even Adik yang tak de appetite for the past few weeks pun makan bertambah. Hopefully boleh le dia gain weight. I tengok dah makin keding dah dia. The past month since kitaorang kena makan luar, Hubby dah lost weight by a few kilos. Lps ni gain weight la pulak.. Not that I masak sedap giler, Tp it's different between homecook food & beli kedai. Kadang2 tu goreng telur & sardin pun dah makan bertambah kalau kat rumah.
Back to our home renovation, I perhatikan there was a vast difference between malay and chinese contractors. Bukan nak mengutuk ke apa. Tp bila kita yang keluarkan duit, of course le we want the best. With our house, the main building was done by malay contractors. Asyik kena ikut belakang je kerja. Nak kena remind everyday apa yang kita nak. Tu pun kdg2 termiss gak. Janji sebulan siap tp terlajak sampai 2 bulan. Tu pun tak siap semua coz we all dah malas nak suruh diaorang buat. Lambat sangat. The living room wing & kitchen patutnya selari. Tp diaorang ni ukur ke tak pun ntah le. Lari by a few inches. Hubby tgk mmg le sakit mata. Tp takkan le nak suruh roboh lak bcos of a few inches.
Tiles, awning , rovers & grills kitaorang suruh chinese contractors. Workmanship mmg cantik & no problem. Bagitau sekali je, diorang dah tau. Hubby & I were impressed with the contractors who laid tiles. Very details. Utk lubang pun dia akan tebuk tile tu rather than potong. Kat sinki tu pulak dia bubuh tiles ikut lekuk sinki tu cantik je..Kerja pun tak messy. Lepas pasang tiles, they made sure the tiles were cleaned immediately. So, bila siap tak de kitaorang jenuh nak tenyeh stain kat tiles tu.
Wiring pulak suruh malay contractors. Masuk rumah orang pakai kasut. Padahal rumah dah bersih dgn tiles dah. Comparing dgn contractors yang pasang tiles tu, diorang masuk rumah bukak kasut. So, nampak le malasnya malay contractors ni. Bila suruh tebuk dinding buat wiring, tak ikut. Pasang wire ikut luar. Kes malas. Padahal diorang boleh charge lebih. Lepas tu main panjat je kitchen cabinet tak beralas. Yang atas stove tu nasib I dah alas before I pegi kerja. Lps diorang habis kerja late evening ( yes, kerja mmg slow eventhough 4 org yg wat kerja ), rumah bersepah dgn serpihan simen & potongan wires. Kalau chinese contractors, they all siap sapu. Kita cuma mop je. Ni wiring belum habis lagi. Hari ni dah 2 hari tak datang pulak. Kalau chine contractors, they started work as early as 8am. Paling lambat pun 8.30am. Malay contractors, ikut suka time diorang le nak kerja. Workmanship halai-balai je..
Tapi...tak semua malay contractors macam tu. Cuma a few yang my neighbours & I had the misfortune to hire. Nak cari yang tip top tu mmg susah.
Adik & Baby - time tembam sikit & suka melaram.
Adik nak ke beach pun siap nak berlipstick ( Kat rumah pun ye jugak..)
Happy teacher's day. Their last day before school holiday. Oreo Cheesecake.